Monday, September 29, 2008

What Strengths Do you Need to Survive Well?

After reading about Jeff Eben's recovery in How Many Wins Have You Had Today, and listening to Randy Pauch's The Last Lecture, what have you learned about how to live your life in the best possible way? Write about what specific words of advice struck you, AND about how you might like to change your life because of what these two men have shared. What can you do NOW to make your life more meaningful?

Monday, September 22, 2008

How Many Wins Have You Had Today? by Jeff Eban

Coach Bohan describes his teaching method like this: "Words trigger pictures, which trigger feelings, emotions, and establish our attitudes, which direct our choices and lead to a destiny of success or failure." Write about one experience you have had with either a teacher, parent or adult, where their words have triggered your emotions, formed your attitude and resulted in an important choice in your life.